The Western Gwinnett Bikeway is a project that has been in the works for 8 years and involves 5 federal grants and City SPLOST funds. The project will be done in two Phases with the first connecting the County portion of the bikeway at Summerchase near N. Berkeley Lake Road and running to Pleasant Hill Road along the edge of Peachtree Industrial. Once Phase II is complete the bikeway will extend to Rogers Bridge Road and tie into the Rogers Bridge Bikeway that was just completed. The bikeway will allow people to bike, roller blade, walk, and jog to stores and recreation without needing their automobile. A ribbon cutting ceremony is planned for 10:00am June 5th at Rogers Bridge Park for the newly acquired 11 acres of Park Land and the Rogers Bridge Bikeway that both used grant funds and SPLOST funds. A Dog Park will be the next amenity offered at Rogers Bridge Park that will also use SPLOST funds.